Karen Leopold

Karen Leopold, Esq.
Karen S. Leopold graduated from the School of International Service at American University in Washington, D.C., in 1971 with a combined degree in French and Western Europe Language Area Studies. She spent the next three years as a translator and Capitol Hill representative for the Washington Delegation of the European Economic Community (now the European Union).
Ms. Leopold received her Juris Doctorate from the University of Miami School of Law in 1977. She speaks French fluently. She specializes in complex commercial and residential real estate transactions, including developer closings. She has a wide range of clients, including many international clients. Her expertise includes establishing homeowners’ associations for planned unit developments and developing declarations of restrictions and covenants. Her practice also includes establishing business entities, and developing and negotiating commercial leases.
Ms. Leopold is rated AV* by Martindale-Hubbell®.
*The Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating indicates very high to preeminent legal ability and very high ethical standards as established by confidential opinions from members of the Bar.